With all the posts and memes about Corona beer, I assumed they would be selling much more. It might depend on the Top Men Are Like Beer Some Go Down Better Than Others Shirt area. When I went grocery shopping corona was like the only beer that was actually sold out. I can only afford squalor on the repost side and once in awhile riding a bus to the nicer side as a part-time dishwasher where I pick out some nearly untouched plates for leftovers to bring home and eat. I will never forgive you corona, you betrayed me.
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Not sure if you were asserting this or not, but that picture is not showing Corona being sold out. You can read the Top Men Are Like Beer Some Go Down Better Than Others Shirt price tag in that picture and it says the item that’s sold out is Coors Light Can 24pk. It’s also unlikely that there would be a random Corona beer item completely surrounded by Coors products. It definitely depends on the area. I expected more alcohol to be sold out here, but really no more than usual. It’s everything else that’s flying off the shelf.
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Everything in grocery stores is selling more than usual right now with all the hoarding tendencies- beer included. I sell Corona beers and Top Men Are Like Beer Some Go Down Better Than Others Shirt it is up double digit% growth against last year. No one in the right mind ACTUALLY thinks you get the virus from drinking a beer. Might get downvoted, but I think Corona is a very shit tier beer. So maybe the people have good taste. The reason there are so many left is that limes were sold out! The only way I can stomach a Corona is ice cold, with lime, while I sit on a beach.
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