Yet people are starting to come back in for the stupid stuff again. You can imagine a Top Grumpy Nurse Thou Shalt Not Try Me Mood 24 7 Shirt workspace where 7 or 8 people work in a space the size of some living room-dining room combined spaces. If one gets sick we all get sick. But one of our gals refused to come back and took a leave. Thankfully people are getting the hint and staying home so our business has dropped kind of a lot and we aren’t really in dire need of her help right now.
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We’ve had at least 2 nurses and a trauma doc hit with it in the Top Grumpy Nurse Thou Shalt Not Try Me Mood 24 7 Shirt ER. I think around 8-10 other staff who tested positive throughout the hospital IIRC. Like walking through a minefield some nights. Filled with mines that detonate slowly over a 2-14 day period, shredding the body beyond repair or passing through unnoticed. I’ve experienced a broad spectrum of emotions through this moment in history, and I’ve never spent this much time contemplating my own existence before.
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Am I soon to become a brief period of sadness and a dusty memory to everyone I know and Top Grumpy Nurse Thou Shalt Not Try Me Mood 24 7 Shirt love who lives on? What does being intubated feel like when your lungs fail? … If my lungs fail. Maybe next week, maybe next month. Maybe it’s in me now, digging a foothold somewhere. Did I gel it from the nice older woman I wheeled out to her son’s car this morning? Was I too close when I comforted her through her ordeal? Will I give it to my wife? My child? If one of them died, what would I do? If both of them died, would I make it through the grief without killing myself? Would other people understand if I did?
Other products: I Can’t Stay At Home I’m A Surgical Technologist We Fight When Others Can’t Anymore Shirt.
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