Yes, pay for itself by way of magic and pixie dust. Anyone Things Chucky Horror Knife Ugly Christmas Shirt with two brain cells saw this coming. “Rules for thee but not for me” should be the motto of the Regressive Party. Just laugh in their faces. Don’t be shy when they complain about the debt, just laugh at them and don’t hold back about how full of they are. God how I wish this was the response of every sane person to Republicans’ bull. It’s the only appropriate one. Instead, I foresee moderates engaging with them as if the GOP ever did anything in good faith or for pro-social reasons. Trump will go down as the most expensive presidency in history. The massive costs of fixing.
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What he’s caused will be bigger than 10 years of M4A. Than the Things Chucky Horror Knife Ugly Christmas Shirts second that Obama was elected. Paul Ryan started screaming for austerity and requiring a balanced budget. Oh, we bailed out wall street but can’t afford a stimulus for the average workers in America. Barely was able to get the funding to save GM and Chrysler. And they have paid back every dime with interest. Then despite the best efforts of the GOP to obstruct everything, the economy improves. And President Obama presided over one of the longest periods of growth in US history. All while the GOP derides it as a fake economy, fake unemployment numbers, and on and on.
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