I once met a Strong Woman Tattoo Registered Nurse Not Today COVID-19 Shirt man..a long time carpenter.. shook his hands and gave the ole firm grip expecting him to have vice-grip hands. He yelled from arthritic pain and give been giving spaghetti noodle handshakes ever since. I never thought about this before, but I think I just do the same handshake as my “handshake partner”. I start very soft and then adjust my squeeze to a similar level to theirs. Eventually, I’ll give up if someone is doing a weird strength contest, but up until then, your squeeze is my squeeze. Now parts of one are going inside parts of the other. Be sure to utilize this protocol when greeting humans.
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I have some weird thing with my hands where the Strong Woman Tattoo Registered Nurse Not Today COVID-19 Shirt joints are “squishy” like if someone grabs my hand and I don’t brace for it they can just collapse my hand. It doesn’t hurt at all, but apparently it feels super weird to the other person. My dad made it a point to make sure I learned how to brace my hand so I don’t shake hands like a weirdo. I also had a job where I often had to shake hands with lots of people in an Uber-businessy sales setting. I’ve always hated shaking hands anyway, gross. Wtf is with men going in with bear claw grips? You can always tell who it’s going to be too! Anyway.
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I always made it a fun game where I would just relax my hand the Strong Woman Tattoo Registered Nurse Not Today COVID-19 Shirt look on those assholes’ faces is priceless. I don’t get that power move, like yeah I’m a smaller woman it’s not like you couldn’t kick my ass if you really wanted to. Why are you trying to crush the shit out of my hand right before this meeting? I would sometimes even get a stammering sorry. Pretty funny, but damn dude why are you doing that to people in the first place? Anyway, I always made it a fun game where I would just relax my hand the look on those assholes’ faces is priceless.
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