I know exactly how you feel. Not only are medical staff on the Professional Stay At Home Working Mom Funny Flowers Gift Shirt frontlines for catching this virus, but retailers as well. We’ve been doing curbside only at my local vape shop while wearing gloves and masks. It’s crazy how many people think we look ridiculous….. or how many people think it’s a joke. And yet here we are, constantly handling your cash and cards that have so many germs on them. Fortunately, there were 2 people who actually sanitized their cards for us. There are a few good ones out there. Stay strong, friend.
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Get a job at McDonald’s. I see some of the Professional Stay At Home Working Mom Funny Flowers Gift Shirt McDonalds paying $16-$18 an hour. Way easier job. And only have to do drive-thru. I work in long term care. I’m the money lady. Literally. I don’t understand why I can’t stay home considering our elderly CANT GO ANYWHERE RIGHT NOW. I work in long term care as well as a department head. I have to be physically present. I’m happy to be making money, but I’m just expecting to work until I drop. Everybody is.
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Tbh I’m not sure, they just came to Professional Stay At Home Working Mom Funny Flowers Gift Shirt us and told us that some of our customers are essential, which makes us the essential suppliers. Not to give away too much but it’s circuit boards for dumb shit, nothing that helps the public or is even necessary in this time. Honestly, cubicle walls are really the best you could hope for in an office rn. Just be mindful of what you are touching around the office and when you go into the break room or whatever just wash your hands immediately when you leave and return to your desk. Still, if you aren’t essential you should definitely be closed.
Other products: Official Deadpool Fuck Corona Covid-19 Shirt
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