Linux has changed some very fundamental things about three times since I started. It’s been quite a task to keep up. If you have the time, it’s worth learning about the old stuff. Not enough people understand the machine at the lowest levels, and it’s knowledge worth knowing. Yepp and under MS-DOS, I once showed people how to Pro Get Off My lawn Vintage Shirt write a binary program in a debugger then wrote the code out to a .com file and ran it. No compiler needed, just good old ‘debug.exe’. And in the days of people starting to adopt Novell Netware and the first viruses came rolling around.
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I wrote a program that replaced the Netware login and which checked to see how long it was since your last virus scan, if not too Pro Get Off My lawn Vintage Shirt long, ran a quick check if beyond the limit, sparked off a full virus scan of your PC. If it found any viruses, it halted your PC with a message about viruses found and requested you booted the PC with a special virus check diskette (yes, back in the old floppy days!) and clean it out. You were not allowed to map any Novell drives until your local PC was virus-free. Saved quite a few companies actually.
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But the most fun was to Pro Get Off My lawn Vintage Shirt mess with someone’s autoexec.bat file and put in a fake format program. Caused a lot of people rebooting over and over and over. Ooh yes, those were definitely the good old days. Ha! I installed my first system off that set. A good friend was starting an ISP (he already ran a computer store) and had a T1. He let me hang out in the shop and put my machine together out of junk from his leftovers. I wrote each disk image to leftover AOL floppies using a Windows 3.11 machine. Probably took half the day to write them all, then another two days trying to get it to boot from hard disk without needing the boot floppy.
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