You may confuse and fool the slow-witted and Pro America Jesus Is My Savior Trump Is My President Shirt the extremists and you may fool the people for a short time but you will always fail in the long term because people like you are transparent. Whatever you are you are no patriot. I doubt you are even a westerner. Your use of the term “maestro” is embarrassing and pathetic. Your use of tired debunked conspiracies and your belief in every one of them shows that either something is wrong with your brain or you are full of deceit.
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Being the first one in Pro America Jesus Is My Savior Trump Is My President Shirt the house again proves how excited I am to see another post, how often I check to see if SerialBrain2 wrote, and that I need a life! Love the posts…off to read it. Thanks, SerialBrain2 for your time and effort to keep us up to date. So much noise in the news these days. Sure need a WINNING decode. So much noise everywhere against Trump…Thanks.
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A point I would like to Pro America Jesus Is My Savior Trump Is My President Shirt raise here is, has anyone noticed how the Vatican members always make the sign of the cross upside down? Check out youtube videos of any pope, cardinals, etc etc. They all do it reversed. Thank you! I was not in the know that the planes we see in the states were global. I had been under the illusion that each country had its own program and used local planes/drones. Makes sense. I am feeling the reason for the increase this year is due to the ongoing war – domestically, globally, and in all dimensions.
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