Just slowly, calmly walk away. Flailing and Pretty Ouchie Vintage Retro Shirt swatting at them have put them into scared/defensive mode. I’ll even actually use my hand to guide yellow jackets away. The way they tend to hover just beside you, I cup my hand and slowly move and it just moves along with it until I’ve guided it away from where kids are playing. Bees do sting other insects all the time to poison them. The barbs don’t work through the hard exoskeleton so it comes back out. The barbs stick into the soft skin of mammals and then the barb’s stick and the poison sack come out to keep poisoning the mammals because they are so large usually that they need lots of stings to take them down. Also, a bee sting releases a pheromone, that smells like a banana, and it signals all other bees around that this is a hostile enemy and it will make other bees sting them also.
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So don’t eat bananas around a beehive. Those “other queens” they’re killing are Pretty Ouchie Vintage Retro Shirt also their sisters. When a hive needs a new queen they feed royal honey (a more nutrient-rich version of regular honey) to some generic larva which causes them to specialize and become future queen bees’. Whichever queen(s) mature first kills off all the rest. Fun historical fact: the British Royal Family has been following the same tradition since the early Awesome 60 Years Of Being April 1961 Shirt, when the current queen, Queen Elizabeth was born when she burst out of The Queen Mother’s chest and killed all of her sisters in a gory mess now known as the Bloody Sunday. My high school bio teacher explained that this is due to the elasticity of the skin. Bee stingers are designed for arthropods with hard exoskeletons which, when pierced, don’t contract around the stinger. When they stab us, the skin tightens around the stinger and when they try to withdraw it, it rips out their butts.
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