Mr. Bean isn’t human. He’s an Alien or an angel. He talks too much, clearly, the wallpaper on his house feels off, his movements are different. And answering questions, and giving speeches, and talking to Pretty Mr. Bean Animation Shirt people… She was truly dreadful. When Cameron resigned after losing the Brexit vote, and they were looking for a replacement, I reckon the lineup all took one step backward, leaving her looking awkward out front.
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It’s almost this bad for real. She was in Pretty Mr. Bean Animation Shirt the final 2, mostly because the others did something embarrassing and dropped out. Then Andrea Leadsom, her final opponent, made a comment that “as a mother” she was more suited to be PM (May has no children) and the media absolutely tore her to shreds for it. She dropped out and May win by default. I think he has bungled the response to the pandemic as well which doesn’t raise my view of him particularly either.
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Watch the video of his press conference where he was happy to Pretty Mr. Bean Animation Shirt say, and assumed people would be happy to know, that he’s still shaking hands, even with people in hospitals. He then got pretty badly hit by it, which was both concerning and amusing in a schadenfreude kind of away. One thing I will say is that while he does mostly suck, he at least acknowledges the existence of climate change, and wants to do something about it, not as much as the other major parties, but something. And I think the whole COVID situation might’ve accelerated that want to solve it a bit.
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