My husband and I are expecting our first child, and Pretty Happy Father’s Day To The Best Dog Dad Shirt he’s going to be the stay-at-home parent. Call it hormones if you want, but this absolutely has me choking back tears. Most dads I know just go to work and pay the bills. They are kept out of the lives of their kids. It’s sad to watch. I’m a dad in ME and I don’t know even when father’s day is xD, we don’t celebrate it really, only mother’s day get the whole attention/gifts, in ME by traditions and religions mothers have higher status than fathers and men/fathers usually are not upset about that. family unit FTW.
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As much as I wanna disagree with this, I have to agree. Fathers are not given their fair share of credit in raising a kid. This current society sometimes goes lengths to even mock them for their efforts. I have to Pretty Happy Father’s Day To The Best Dog Dad Shirt disagree. They talk about how important it is, they blame the lack of it when a child goes bad, but they discourage them from actively participating at the time. I can’t believe people truly believe what you believe. Saying that the typical home dynamic is the man working the longer hours while the woman raises the child. And when there is a custody battle, the woman wins control more often than the man, by a very large margin.
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Give it a century and the west will be gone, disappeared, faded out. The middle east, China, or Africa will take over Europe and North America one way or another. In another few hundred years, if Pretty Happy Father’s Day To The Best Dog Dad Shirt climate change hasn’t wiped everyone out, white people will be just a thing in the history books as what some humans ‘looked like.’ Was talking about the modern progressive Western civilization, set in stone in the 1800s.
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