Ahh, Black Pepper, one of the Premium Owl Mask Washing Hands Coronavirus Shirt best dancers in Vegas. The things she would do for a dollar bill. I gotta chime in as somebody who works with kids and say that it’s silly and unnecessary to say this demonstration is WHY it is important to wash your hands. It makes sense to rather tack learning moments onto this demonstration like mentioning that soap is really cool, helps protect your body from pathogens, and is important to use. Playing with soap is a GREAT way for kids to tacitly relate to the information you’re discussing with them, BUT using this demonstration to imply that soap will get viruses to run away and is WHY it is important to wash your hands is unnecessary misinformation.
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Kids deserve truth and just because they’re gullible doesn’t make it better to lie to Premium Owl Mask Washing Hands Coronavirus Shirt them until they’re older. It’s better to have open and honest conversations with kids and then show them cool demonstrations about soap and how it can help keep us safe! The vocal majority of Reddit a “social media” app doesn’t get small things like imprinting small fibs like this to kids. No offense to anyone but it’s like they’re on the spectrum. I think using a marker would work better. Needs a little bit of scrubbing to come off and you make a far better analogy to how soap actually works to protect you than the fact that it breaks the surface tension. Yes, thank you for pointing that out. That comment gave me a bad taste in my mouth before I read the comments.
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I think the visual is cool, and you should definitely show the Premium Owl Mask Washing Hands Coronavirus Shirt kid this visual. I think the oil is also a great idea and is a better ‘analogy’. Wash hands when entering/exiting a different building etc. Maybe a rhyme to go with it. Kids need triggers to remind them to do something boring like washing their hands. Why are people nagging this video for something that’s supposed to be a demonstration for children? Surely people really aren’t that disconnected with common-sense demonstrations. The visual effect he’s showing probably applies better in terms of what hand sanitizer does since it is on your hands is mostly how it kills bacteria.
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