I remember it along with Saturday morning cartoons. I’d get up early before they started and turn on the Premium American Flag Sunflowers April Girl Shirt TV. The farm report would be on (which is far more boring than you’re imagining – the screen was all black with the words “Farm Report” and voice reading a bunch of data about current farming production) and I would wait until it ended at 7 AM to watch cartoons. I remember the Test pattern followed by black & white cartoons, .. Krazy Kat .. etc. Then, black & white cowboy movies. This was each Saturday morning. I slept over at my Grandfather’s house. The night before I would buy a Bag of Bonamo’s Turkish coffee (10 bars).
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I would freeze some and smack it on the Premium American Flag Sunflowers April Girl Shirt floor and eat the little pieces while waiting for the first cartoon. I was lucky to have one bar left by the time Hopalong Cassidy or Lash Larue arrived. Small kid times… 1950’s … Saturday mornings were the only time I was allowed to fix my own breakfast or eat sugar cereal. I would wake up and get one of the varieties to pack boxes, put it in a bowl and pour the milk in, and happily watch Mighty Mouse, The Lone Ranger, Sky King, Fury and Popeye until my older brother got up. It was all B&W then because there was no color TV.
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Before the Premium American Flag Sunflowers April Girl Shirt cartoons started they played the old Little Rascals then they played The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show, then the newly produced cartoons came on. This was the early 80s for me. Oh yea, Rocky and Bullwinkle were always first. It was still dark outside when it came on and I would usually get through the first of many bowls of sugary cereal by the end. Yeah, I remember those as well. Boris and Natasha were the villains. Talk about bringing what was on the minds of adults into kids’ cartoons. The Cold War. I once worked with a Russian guy and asked him to say that line. He totally didn’t get it. I, on the other hand, laughed like a little girl.
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