When weren’t we war-mongering Original I Dont Make Mistakes When Playing Guitar I Make Spontaneous Creative Decisions Shirt world-ruling douchebags that hoovered up every bit of natural resources we could get our hands on? You’re not seeing anything new, you’re just seeing it for the first time. You’ve successfully cherrypicked history like a fundamental Christian searching for the right biblical passage to justify their views. I’m a liberal but these people are just absorbing and regurgitating all that CNN propaganda. It’s like they think slavery and racism were solely an American thing. If you actually think America was never great then why did all of our ancestors immigrate here?
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We’ve certainly lost our way Original I Dont Make Mistakes When Playing Guitar I Make Spontaneous Creative Decisions Shirts and have been in steady decline for 30 years but to claim that America was never great is just lunacy. All these people just regurgitate everything they hear from each other because they refuse to educate themselves and break from the hive mind. Both on the Left and the Right. Chilean coup that’s rich. Bro tell me what large powerful country doesn’t have problems like this? Which countries never had had segregation or racism or slaves? I can always tell when someone says how racist America is that they’ve never been to most other countries.
Other Product: Funny GameStonk GME Logo Astronaut Shirt
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