Listen, strange women, lying in the ground distributing current is no basis for a system of Official Skull And Into The Garden, I Go To Lose My Mind And Find My Soul Flower Shirt utilities. Supreme electrical power derives from a mandate from the cooperative, not from some facial impaling ceremony. So much we can’t see and, as usual, we simply have to trust the so-called “experts”. Like, there’s nothing there like a sink or an excessively large shoe collection to prove that this is a woman; in fact, there’s no proof that this skeleton is even human. Personally I’d say these remains seem much more likely to be those of a vole or perhaps a giant ground sloth.
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Anthropologist here! You know, I did vaguely remember something about that as Official Skull And Into The Garden, I Go To Lose My Mind And Find My Soul Flower Shirt I wrote that comment (don’t vole only ever bury their dead in groups of prime numbers, with orientations alternating between north-south and south-north, and place the severed head of each corpse between its hind legs? Something like that anyway) but frankly I was too lazy to do the research. Thanks for pulling me up on it. I shouldn’t be able to get away with such shoddy scholarship.
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You’re thinking of “moles”. No, I definitely wasn’t confusing our volley friends with the “gentlemen in black velvet”. Happily, I can speak with a modicum of Official Skull And Into The Garden, I Go To Lose My Mind And Find My Soul Flower Shirt authority on this topic as for the last decade I have held the Horwood Chair of Advanced Mole Studies at Cambridge University, and indeed my doctoral thesis back in the 1990s (“what joy it was to be alive” etc etc) was on “Inhumation by Design: Contemporary Burial Practices Within the English Mole Community”.
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