The party comes across a tattered children’s doll. The first person that touches the doll sees an apparition of a small child. The ghostly child follows them around and tells them things. Only they can see or hear the child. The party is making its way across the rolling, empty plains. The storm which was brewing for some time now finally gives way and the skies open up just as night begins to Official Scooby Doo Characters Friends Shirt fall.
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The adventurers awaken – in a dark dungeon to a chorus of women and men singing from somewhere down the hall. The sounds from their voices are unbearably whiny and shrill. As they draw closer, they hear what sounds like amplified steel sliding rhythmically, as well as various stringed instruments playing the same 3-chord tune. The reverberating death howl is coming from just around the corner. As they turn to Official Scooby Doo Characters Friends Shirt face the music, they witness the unholy sight in all its devastating horror: a roiling blob of Taylor Swift, Blake Shelton, and many other pop-country singers sits in the center of the room, eyeing the adventurer’s cooly as green puss drips from its fleshy hide. Roll initiative.
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