Isn’t putting the Official KFC No Days Off Peak 2020 Coronavirus Shirt letters G, O, and Don Trump’s schlong an actual legitimate form of blasphemy? Like as the church itself defines it? I’m fucking agnostic and I still got taken aback by that. Like, really? I knew you guys weren’t really that concerned with what the Bible actually said, but damn. You don’t need to be a Bible scholar to know that’s way past the line. It’s way too far even if you don’t believe in the religion tbh. I’m not a Hindu but I’m not out here writing Krishna on a picture of Donald Trump’s penis. I can’t imagine doing it to a god you believe in. I’m an atheist and I was surprised they would go so far. I have to wonder if Ben Garrison was secretly mocking Trump supporters the whole time.
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It’s beyond that, they are literally worshipping him and throwing away Christian values to do so. Jesus must be weeping to watch the Official KFC No Days Off Peak 2020 Coronavirus Shirt church bend over backward for this hateful, bigoted coward. It’s what happens when you let your ideology get co-opted by Capitalism. All hail Supply Side Jesus and the Gospel of Prosperity. If God in heaven wanted you to not enslave African children for your Diamond mines, then why would he let you become so rich? Obviously, #blessed of course. Frankly, I’d be disappointed if this is the Anti-Christ. Like… If humanity ends because of this fuckin’ loser then honestly maybe we as a species deserved it. Hey now, Ben Garrison is just a good Christian who worships GOD. He just wants to get down on his knees and feel GOD deep inside him.
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It is in times like these that I support absolutely no gun control, so I can walk into a store, buy one, and shoot myself in the head to Official KFC No Days Off Peak 2020 Coronavirus Shirt forget this comic. God-King Donald “less-Jewish-Jesus” Trump smoothed the wrinkles of his navy blue suit, slowly running his hand along with his pecs, subconsciously slowing down when he caught Ben watching from across the table. He felt a smile tugging at the corner of his lip as he continued down the length of the suit jacket, running his hand playfully around his plump and powerful outer thigh. Ben was clearly flustered. Ben reaches for Trump’s zipper in one fluid motion, sliding gently past the nipples and down to the crotch. He tore at it and saw it in its glory.
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