The guy from Washington here, was in Official It’s Not The Mountain We Conquer But Ourselves Mountain Biking Shirt elementary school when St. Helens erupted. I recall people were putting pantyhose around their air filters to filter out the fine, talcum like ash. I was raised near Tacoma west of the volcano, and it took over a week for the ash to go around the globe and then affect us. We had to hose down all the plants and trees in my yard as the ash would cling to them, choking the sunlight from them. Especially when you realize there are no humans on Earth anymore. Just us wearing our human suits out of tradition and respect.
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Are you serious? That’s hilarious and Official It’s Not The Mountain We Conquer But Ourselves Mountain Biking Shirt kinda sad at the same time. Did she think Jesus, who is the Son of God who could turn water into wine and raise the dead would forget folks in movie theaters once he came down to get y’all? She probably thought it was a sin. I knew a guy years ago that wouldn’t go to the movies because he thought it was a sin in some way. He was Pentecostal. Lol, now as an adult I realize how silly that is. Mt. St. Helen’s has an impact on all Washingtonians I think.
It’s Not The Mountain We Conquer But Ourselves Mountain Biking Sweatshirt, Hoodie

In 2017 we had a really bad wildfire here in Oregon and my dad said it was just like the days after the 1980 eruption. During this fire, ash was falling like snow and the Official It’s Not The Mountain We Conquer But Ourselves Mountain Biking Shirt sun was red. I wasn’t alive for the eruption but it must have been intense. It puzzles me that PNW somehow seems to be home to both extreme sides of the political spectrum. When I think of very liberal big cities I think PNW…but I also think of PNW when I think of “white nationalists” strongholds. It is weird.
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