I thought the lady was going to end up going nuts for not getting the broom, but this actually turned out really wholesome. I wish the people that came to Official I Hate My Own Attitude Shirts my restaurant could teach their kids like this. Her kids dropped the popcorn so she asked me for a broom to let them clean it up themselves. I said it wasn’t necessary but she insisted that she wanted to raise them to be conscious of the fact that when they make a mess someone has to clean it up. Nice lady. 5/5. I work in a restaurant and this actually happened one time was a little awkward.
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I always had to clean up my own stuff, even from a very young age, like 5 years old. Obviously my parents helped me, but keeping me engaged in it built habits. Same as Official I Hate My Own Attitude Shirts having me help with dinner and cleaning etc once or twice a week. It will help them in the long run. My sister lets her kids throw food all over the floor and it makes me so mad and after all of that, she isn’t even generous enough to leave a tip for the waiter that’s gonna have to clean it up.
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This girl was clearly having an Official I Hate My Own Attitude Shirts bad day. She seemed really angry and upset. I tried my best to help, but there wasn’t much I could do. I took her order, served her as usual. She got a call and walked out of the restaurant. I went to the table and found a 50 dollar bill and a sweet little note about how her husband died and she really appreciates my patience. 5 stars, best customer. Saying “thank you” 5 times, when the waiter sets down their drink? Waiting 20 minutes to pay, because the waiter looks busy? If that’s what you meant I’m your customer.
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