By simple logic, he should have then depleted his allotted finite amount of Official Dr. Fauci Anthony Fauci COVID-19 Shirt energy long ago. How can this be??? For fucking real tho. He’s 79. I can only hope to look that good when I’m his age. Seriously, the guy still has all his hair. I would’ve guessed early 60’s the maybe late 50s. Some goober tried to ram the USNS Mercy with a fucking train. I just can’t even wrap my brain around some people. He had access to a train, and he wasn’t trying to hit the boat. His argument was that crashing a train by the boat would “raise awareness” about the boat. And, like, the boat was bad. Somehow. People would realize that as soon as he crashed the train. Somehow. You can trust the train crashing guy. Choo choo.
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No passengers, it was part of the Official Dr. Fauci Anthony Fauci COVID-19 Shirt freight rail system that brings containers out of the port. He allegedly made statements to a CHP officer that included “You only get this chance once. The whole world is watching. I had to. People don’t know what’s going on here. Now they will.”What the fuck is wrong with people? This isn’t a foreign military warship, it’s a fucking American hospital, with innocent civilians, sick patients, and fucking medical staff, EVERYONE knows whats going on in New York, and even if they didn’t what kind of fucking ass-backward logic leads you to the conclusion that crashing a fucking train and killing innocents and/or potentially sinking a hospital ship will “help”.
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Exactly. I’d be worried if I saw warships on Official Dr. Fauci Anthony Fauci COVID-19 Shirt our own shores but it’s a goddamn converted medical ship that’s seen decades of service. The ship is there to help you deal with the sick and injured, it’s not there to suddenly take over your state. Nobody wants the ship to be there, including the government, but they’re doing so because the healthcare systems in CA and NY are overwhelmed. I seriously cannot understand the logic behind thinking this fucking hospital ship is suddenly going to signal the end of times. A reminder to all that he’ll be 80 this year, and is well beyond retirement age. He doesn’t have to be doing what he’s doing for us.
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