No, that article focuses on the Official Billy Bob Loves Charlene Shirt big govt/ small govt axis, but what about all the rest of them. You cant claim the parties switched then only cite a source that only mentions 1% of the two parties’ respective platforms. The video is okay. The whole claim that “the Parties Switched” is a vastly oversimplified view of history, and KB constantly conflates the Parties changing for the Parties Switching. He also cuts off Prager at a few points. I’d say the Theseus Ship Theory isn’t bad, but it leaves put policies that have completely fallen by the wayside and new policies that have been introduced. I’d also say this video supports the notion of “the Party Switch.”
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He was a liberal back then the Official Billy Bob Loves Charlene Shirt Republicans were the liberal party then the party’s switched. For the south, it was about slavery and for the north, it was about the preservation of the union. Only later did Lincoln declare that the war was for the abolishment of slavery because he didn’t want European powers interfering. He voted for Trump because they are both racists. This applies to nearly all Trump voters. I’m confused about how his supporters ever came to that conclusion. Anyone who has ever heard about Trump, even in passing knows the man never worked a day of hard labor in his life.
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Oh, no doubt. It’s like how people thought, for an Official Billy Bob Loves Charlene Shirt brief moment, Melania was different and slyly undermining her Sugar Potato. Sadly, no hope of this kid not being a complete tool. I love how they photoshopped Melania standing in the picture. Her cape is blowing in the….air conditioning. Lol. What a gaudy looking room. Cartoon levels of gold everywhere. Poor’s idea of a Rich man. What a gaudy looking room. Cartoon levels of gold everywhere. Poor’s idea of a Rich man.
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