I owed him for the Official Billy Bob Loves Charlene Classic Shirt last time I died but I needed the money for campaign ads. No, I owe Billy Bob money it was Edison was a fake who hired someone to kill me. The Republican and Democratic parties in America switched objectives after the civil war. Now where I draw the line is in making moral judgments on these changes, as in “Old Republicans Good, New Republicans Bad, Old Democrats Bad, New Democrats Good”. They were and are very diverse parties, and if it wasn’t for first past the post voting, they wouldn’t be the only parties. He was a liberal back then the Republicans were the liberal party then the party’s switched.
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No, that article focuses on the Official Billy Bob Loves Charlene Classic Shirt big govt/ small govt axis, but what about all the rest of them. He also cuts off Prager at a few points. I’d also say this video supports the notion of “the Party Switch.” For the south, it was about slavery and for the north, it was about the preservation of the union. What the heck are you trying to imply? And don’t do the “tHeY sWiTcHeD pLaTfOrMs” thing. So you could easily make the case that Lincoln either changed his mind or just lied.
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Theodore Roosevelt was an Official Billy Bob Loves Charlene Classic Shirt republican, he in no way was for small government. He believed in federal intervention and economic regulation. Fast forward to Reagan’s deregulation of the economy and you yourself can see that the party switched. Funnily enough, right around Teddy’s death, as the following republicans were all for Laissez-Faire economic policies. The democrats, on the other hand, went from seeding from the Union over slavery to passing the civil rights act in 100 years. It is impossible not to see their changes.
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