Right, we’ll skip past all of your motte New I Get My Attitude From Well Pretty Much All Of The Swedish Women I’m Related To Shirt and bailey gish gallop bull and cut straight to what you’re defending, which is the statement that celebrating the Declaration of Independence is celebrating white supremacy. Please explain to me how the Declaration of Independence is a white supremacist document. This will be a fascinating lecture I’m sure. I’m defending his right to say it and believe it. What did the Declaration of Independence mean for black people in 1776? I’m not sure why you think black people should be grateful for a document that did nothing for us. So I’m not going to begrudge him for his opinion. Black people like keep, LeBron.
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And all-black football players New I Get My Attitude From Well Pretty Much All Of The Swedish Women I’m Related To Shirts aren’t perfect so they don’t deserve to be treated like perfect white people. Welcome to America. White people love to judge black leaders then pretend they aren’t being led by an orange racist and admitted sexual assaulter with multiple rape accusations. That’s cool though, we aren’t here to judge white people’s leaders, just black people leaders. Why are you assuming people judging them are white? The difference between Malcolm X and Kaepernick is that even though Malcolm X had some bad takes, it was obvious that all he wanted was the best for his black brothers, but with Kaepernick, it doesn’t even seem genuine to me.
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