Hint: With every rotation of the top, you end up with a different list of Mrs. Miggins Pie Miggins Coffee Shirt distances between lights and pies. For each light & pie distance, 1/(distance**2) is the brightness. Add up the total brightness at each stop. Maybe this isn’t the kind of thing people want to work on? I love calculating stuff, so I thought it’d be fun… How’s it going? If you can solve this without computational assistance, my hat is off to you. If there’s a group of them and intimidating people consider Affray or even Violent Disorder. That’s a good one. Between our state and local laws, you pretty much have pc just because someone is on a bike.
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Get dispersal orders put in place by the Mrs. Miggins Pie Miggins Coffee Shirt Insp and use those. Put an operation together where your plain clothes so can get closer and more likely to catch them. If you can see them and know who they are, summons them to court, you don’t need to arrest (for many offenses). Make sure you do it for EVERY offense some good ones are cycling on the pavement, cycling with no lights on at night and failing to stop. Make sure you execute it Saturday afternoon. They’ll then spend Sat and Sun night in a cell and the custody can do fuck all about it.
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A few have been, but it’s just difficult when they all go out in Mrs. Miggins Pie Miggins Coffee Shirt the same clothes, hoods up and run off after a few seconds of chucking things at cars or shouting abuse. I know of a couple that was arrested but refused custody as the Sgt didn’t want juveniles in for s5 POA etc. One method used by a neighborhood team by me. Target their bikes till they bugger off. Stop them every time you see them. Ticket for lights, pavement, etc. Seize the bikes if you suspect it may be stolen. Eventually, they get sick of it and move along.
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