I mean as long as there are drainage holes in the bottom, you don’t necessarily need a Funny Succulent Plants Crazy Plant Lady Vintage Shirt terra cotta pot. It’s got plenty of air and space and should be fine. I would have also preferred a terra-cotta pot, we’ll see how it goes if I have to replant! As a member of the houseplant sub, I can confirm this because I love this. Keep in mind the tradescantia’s water requirements are different from succulents. I’m also pretty sure they aren’t thrilled with the kind of sunlight a lot of succulents generally require. Beautiful mix, though. Thankfully I’ve found tradescantia to be pretty hardy so hopefully, it works out for you.
Funny Succulent Plants Crazy Plant Lady Vintage Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Ladies Tee For Women
Yeah, I know, but thank you! I’ll probably put them in some glasses of Funny Succulent Plants Crazy Plant Lady Vintage Shirt water later, I just wanted it to look cute at least a little while. The hanging succulent is a ruby necklace in case you were wondering. Mildly rare but not impossible to find. The closest thing I can think of is Graptopetalum amethystine or Pachyphytum Ensiferum. I bought the succulents from my local plant shop but you can buy succulents in most flower/plant stores. Even IKEA has some nice ones! Bought the pot from Ikea.
Official Funny Succulent Plants Crazy Plant Lady Vintage Sweatshirt, Hoodie
That’s super cute! But what happens when they grow? Does the lack of Funny Succulent Plants Crazy Plant Lady Vintage Shirt space keep them small or do they just get leggy and grow out the sides? This is fantastic. I’d just worry about knocking them off wherever I’d place them in the house. If you are planting the seed directly in its final location you may want to use fox farm happy frog instead of ocean forest. Ocean forest is pretty hot and can kill young seedlings. I use nature’s living soil both ways they describe in the instructions, super soil, and living soil, and I’m having great results with both.
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