The next day he applied for asylum Especial Call Her Daddy Shirt. The huge story back then, we talked about it for weeks afterward. This happened just a couple of years before the Soviet Union fell. Asylum is a big slap in the face for the seeker’s home country, as it is an open declaration that you fear your native government will kill you if you go Especial Call Her Daddy Shirt. That said, he’s a chess master, and he defected like one. He asked how to spell the words not because he didn’t know how to (as someone else pointed out, he knew English), but because KNEW his opponent, a Brit (and thus NATO like the Dutch) would pass the word about his intentions ASAP. And asked DURING the game because no one’s allowed too close to the players in order to prevent cheating or coaching, and so no one could pick up on the Especial Call Her Daddy Shirt.
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So his KGB handlers had no clue he was walking to the Especial Call Her Daddy Shirt Dutch police to defect, and may well have been waylaid by NATO personnel who were only involved because he asked how to spell those specific words. But then he’d just have to go to the police station and speak in Russian until a translator arrived. If he can write the words political asylum they know what he’s there for immediately and can get on it. I’ve always wanted horror movies to include director cuts in the Especial Call Her Daddy Shirt. Confident Make Me Like Daddy Shirt, they make their 120-minute movie or whatever, and then they film a couple of extra scenes where the characters just do the smart thing and immediately leave when shit gets wiggy. You have your two-hour movie, cut down to like 15 minutes in the director’s cut because the characters were like “nuh-uh, I ain’t dyin’ like in a horror movie” and they just fuck off and the movie Especial Call Her Daddy Shirt.
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