Edit: I should note that the plasma, the “arc”, Delighted Louis Cardinals Shirt once formed, is self-sustaining. This is why there are safety devices to detect this condition and kill the power automatically before something is damaged. Again, safeties that, in this instance, did not function correctly. “This one dates to sometime around the 21st century. History tells us that this man probably played video games and browsed dank memes until his dying breath sometime during the 250-year covid pandemic where over 4 billion people died. According to top historians, this man probably wiped his bottom with his hand due to toilet paper being a commodity worth hundreds of US dollars per roll. Now. This next one is from the late 23rd century during the 2nd Moon war between the Tesla and Amazonian Empires…
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I probably see it this way because I’m looking at it from Delighted Louis Cardinals Shirt a parent’s perspective and my culture has very strong customs about death and how a body should be treated (we don’t embalm for example). So it’s upsetting to see a small child that was so reverently placed to rest disturbed and then their body separated. Probably not, because tooth decay and loss are primarily due to our eating habits. Take Premium Elder Speaks Silent Listen 2 Shirt. It’s got lots of sugar and phosphoric acid. The phosphoric acid degrades the enamel and the sugar is consumed by plaque bacteria and which produce acid to dissolve enamel. When you die, you stop consuming sugar and acids, so the bacterial cannot produce more acid. Bacteria cannot consume enamel, so your teeth will stop decaying, leaving your skeleton and teeth (in whatever condition they were in when you were alive).”
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