It’s sad for us but I am happy that Awesome Pets The Glue Holding This Shitshow Together 2020 Shirt they can move on to a more sustainable life, hopefully, settle down and have a family. Doublelift and Bjergsen gone, LCS casters are sweating to find a new narrative now It’s basically all on Perkz story and C9 vs TL. Don’t worry, Papa Jack is renting out the room for a young Croatian kid looking to make a name for himself in America. That’s what America’s all about man. Show up and shoot your shot. Like dating apps, but with better odds of success. Fitting that you chose a shooting analogy for the US.
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Otherwise known as Pengu, he also has Awesome Pets The Glue Holding This Shitshow Together 2020 Shirts his own emotes in the game as well as a little legend in TFT. Scientists are huge fuckin’ dorks, no way there isn’t one of them down there that knows faker. For sure. Antarctica has the highest density population of nerds in the entire world. There’s gotta be LoL fans down there. I can confirm. Have a friend who goes there for work on a schedule that I don’t know. He has indeed had a fan in Antarctica. With Bjerg and DL went, if NA still can’t hold up internationally I’ll prob just stop watching LCS. Once Faker retires, I’ll prob stop watching League in general.
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