If he has the Aneisha Retired Police Officer Policeman Retirement Gift Shirt intelligence to say, I can’t breathe and answer intelligent questions regarding his medical health, he is not in severe distress. If he has the intelligence to say, I can breathe and answer intelligent questions regarding his medical health, he is not in severe distress. Eric Garner was a man arrested in New York for selling unlicensed cigarettes. The police held him down and sat on top of him during which time he repeatedly said “I can’t breathe” a short while later he was dead by asphyxiation. Other police officers went about with shirts on saying “I can breathe” soon after.
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Thank you for sharing and informing me. That is disgusting and horrifying! Saying asphyxiation is an Aneisha Retired Police Officer Policeman Retirement Gift Shirt little misleading, he had an asthma attack. The cops were only on him long enough to get him cuffed. Yes, the asthma attack was triggered by the events that happened (all of it, not just the chokehold). Not when they were yelling 5 seconds previously and resisting arrest. If he actually couldn’t breathe, he wouldn’t be still resisting, he’d be trying to breathe. The off duty guy reacts so well I’m impressed. Even so, the old man gives him every right to get more aggressive he stays really calm, just uses the force he needs to and even calmed this guy down when he was on the ground.
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This guy could be faking. However severe anxiety/mental illness can absolutely be this way. I recall dealing with an Aneisha Retired Police Officer Policeman Retirement Gift Shirt family member with mental illness. After a suicide attempt they constantly complained of feeling shortness of breath and not being able to breathe, however, doctors said there was nothing physically wrong. It may seem intuitive, but this definitely isn’t the case for many people. When I’m having anxiety attacks, I may look like I’m breathing totally fine but that is FAR from how I’m feeling. Mhm, exactly. Never underestimate the old man’s strength. It’s real.
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