I don’t feel good about it, every year I encounter one where I’m like “faith in humanity restored, she seems genuinely great and to All I Need Today Is A Little Bit Of Semper Fidelis And A Whole Lot Of Jesus Shirt have a good marriage” before my friends are like “wait, you didn’t know about her and Sgt. person above her or that one guy who’s on the MEU now?” Dude decades. I’m semi-new to the fleet. I really didn’t want to believe all the stereotypes I hear about female marines when I came here. But time and time again it’s going exactly how you describe it. That’s not to say there’s a few that aren’t shitty.
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On the one hand, you’re right. The All I Need Today Is A Little Bit Of Semper Fidelis And A Whole Lot Of Jesus Shirt capacity for infidelity is there in the civilian world also. On the other hand, the environment in the Marines amazingly ripe for infidelity for female Marines. With all things being equal, I’d prefer my significant other to NOT be surrounded by hundreds of Marines all day, every day, for months on end. And yes, I know LOADS of male marines that are just as unfaithful. But it’s not because they walk around all day being bombarded by the pussy. True, met a lot of shitbag male marines with the playa mindset. The difference is the availability of temptation.
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People are only as good as their situation allows them to be. It’s like when a male celebrity or male corporate person becomes rich and the All I Need Today Is A Little Bit Of Semper Fidelis And A Whole Lot Of Jesus Shirt media portrays them as a sex-craved maniac. Sounds like you’ve been giving this some thought. The Corps definitely has a massive gender imbalance problem. Just try not to let your loneliness or sexual frustration turn into bitterness or misogyny. People say gender is a social construct, and it is to an extent. Girls are encouraged/expected to wear pink dresses and play with dolls while boys are given trucks and sports equipment.
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