With the poseable kits, you can use fire warrior chests instead. You can also cut the heads in half, right at the mold line, so the 20 Years Of Band Of Brother Signature Thank You For The Memories Shirt face is one half and the back is the other. The back of the fire warrior helmets fit the front of the ones almost perfectly. Sadly, the bracing hand on the full kit isn’t any better. It’s molded onto, and us rather thin. It’s one of the poorer sculpting decisions in the kit; the Catachans are far more versatile. Exactly – and their weapon arms have the molded-in stock and grip. It’s a brilliant design, and I’m not sure why the Cadians didn’t have it, too. It made them far less versatile.
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Yeah, that’s weird. I only collected catechin IG so I actually had no idea the 20 Years Of Band Of Brother Signature Thank You For The Memories Shirt others weren’t like that till recently. Honestly, I think I kind of prefer this version of Guevara. T’au equipment, but not full-blown armor. Though I personally I think matching the colors would have been better. What do you need Tau armor for? Flak armor is impervious to all except a Titan shell! Didn’t you read your primer when you were a loyalist? Excellent job on the faces! I love seeing kitbashes like this. I assume they all have blue wives to come home to.
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Listen, any Only War character I make is gonna end up with a blue husband or wife if they survive. It’s just the 20 Years Of Band Of Brother Signature Thank You For The Memories Shirt only way to leave the Imperium in anything other than a body bag. It’s really just about not getting too much paint on your brush. Too much undercoat will create streaks and lumps. Too much wash will pool in recesses and hide detail. Too much paint when dry brushing makes it easy to overdo it. Just don’t do what my dad does and plaster large armor plates in wash creating huge dark lumps of paint I have to file off and repaint. Add a few drops of water and keep it to the recesses.
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